The Amazon

Ah, the good ol' African Mines. Other than the God awful text, there really isn't a whole lot different with this stage. Let's investigate further!

Final Release
Welcome to the African House, for all your ethnic clothing needs!I guess that makes sens-- derwhat?!

Final Release
Undergound is that new raver joint on Harrison Street.  It's a little known fact that Scrooge is addicted to E.How the hell did Louie know where this thing was hidden?  HE'S AN ENEMY SPY!  LOOKOUT SCROOGE! YOUR OWN BLOOD IS BETRAYING YOU!

Final Release
Well I'll be damnedROCKY ROAD ICE CREAM! HAHAHA ok that's not funny.

Final Release
That object can be many things, but a seesaw ain't one of them.Ok, but if that Beagle Boy kidnaps you, I ain't coming back to save your ass.


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